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![]() 『11月11日はポッキー&プリッツの日♪゚+.o.+゚』 ![]() Pocky day has come and gone again!! What is Pocky? For those of you who don’t know, Pocky is a popular snack all around the world, but it’s probably most popular in Japan (since that’s where it comes from). When it comes to Japanese treats, though, these are the ones that you’ll see almost everywhere. Basically, they’re breadish / cookie-ish sticks with chocolate on them. ![]() Strangely enough, Pocky Day was stolen, in a few different ways. In Korea there is a snack called “Pepero,” which is basically just Pocky with a Korean name. Pretty much what happened was that Lotte (who makes Pepero, first sold in 1983) pretty much ripped off Glico (who made Pocky since 1966). At least one thing came from Pepero in Korea, though, and that is “Pepero Day.” Apparently it is similar to Valentine’s day, and young couples exchange Lotte Pepero sticks, candies, and “romantic gifts.” ![]() As for the origins of “Pepero Day,” Wikipedia says that “Pepero Day was started in 1994 by students at a girls’ middle school in Busan, where they exchanged Pepero sticks as gifts to wish one another to grow “as tall and slender as a Pepero.” If that’s not a romantic start to this holiday, I don’t know what is. ![]() 11月11日はポッキーの日☆彡ケントスクールの子供達も一緒に”ポッキー&プリッツ”を食べて盛り上がりました ![]() "ポッキーの日"の起源は日本ですが、今や全国、全世界で売られている国民的お菓子”ポッキー&プリッツ”。『学校の成績が↑に伸びるよう・・・ 身長がもっと↑に伸びるよう・・・ みんなでお祈りをしながらポッキーを食べました!! 11月、アメリカではサンクスギビングの記念日、一つ一つの事に感謝をしながら、学び、遊び成長していってほしいですね。 ![]() ![]() KENT英会話スクール TEL:024-938-5181 〒963-8002 福島県郡山市駅前1-14-3 郡山アカデミービル3・4F 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
by kentenglish
| 2016-11-15 21:09
ファン申請 |